Sunday, November 7, 2010


Today is ORPHAN SUNDAY a day set aside in some of our churches to bring about awareness of the plight of so many orphans in this world. I have 3 sweet blessings that are no longer orphans in this world, but such is not the case for a precious little boy in Eastern Europe. Look on my sidebar and you will see a sweet boy IVAN who is listed with Reece's Rainbow. I have agreed to be his Christmas Warrior which means I am praying for him to find a family and doing some fundraising for a grant to go towards his adoption expenses. IVAN is only a year old and has a condition known as Down Syndrome . He lives in a baby house in Eastern Europe where he will be cared for until his 4th birthday at which time he will be transferred to a mental institution to spend the rest of his life if not adopted. There will be no one there to kiss him goodnight; no therapy to help him be all he could be; no one to hold him when he cries. Can you imagine growing up without parents to help you? I cannot! Ivan deserves a life outside of a mental institution and I am believing for a CHRISTMAS MIRACLE for him....a family for Christmas.

Reece's Rainbow has begun their Christmas Angel Tree Fundraiser and you can click on the ornament above Ivan's picture to donate to his account. For $35 you will receive a Christmas ornament with his picture on it to hang on your tree. All proceeds go directly to Reece's Rainbow and you can make a secure payment through paypal.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Hi there! Wanted to reply to your question about Vika and couldn't get email to work her in Ukraine tonight :) It is not the Vika that is listed on RR that went to the institution, but I have been in that institution. The little boy maxim I blogged about is there. I can tell you about it if you want.