Sunday, April 26, 2009

Time to Go

I can't say that I am ready but I know it is time to deal with Naomi's foot. We had an August 11 appt. for her amputation but said we would be open to moving the date up if there was a cancellation. We have been called twice now but everytime on a Fri. to be up in Shreveport on Sunday. Both times we were just not ready but said next time we will be even if it is on a Fri. So they call on Thursday to be up in Shreveport on Tues. A bit more doable considering all the arrangements we have to make for the other girls.

We know it is for the best , but still telling people is hard and hard to explain. Funny thing is that Naomi is trying to deal with her foot in her way. She will go get a flip-flop or princess shoe and put it on her little foot. Not both, just the little foot and walk around like that so that it lifts her foot up an inch or so. It's time!

The plan is to leave tomorrow and check in on Tues. and the operation will be Wed. Hope to be home by Sun. and then go back in 4 weeks to take the cast off and fit for a prothesis . When it's ready we go back and stay for a while to learn to use it.

Thank you for your prayers and good thoughts for her surgery and recovery.


Lorraine Fuller said...

I have been through this. Visit my blog and look a the old posts that are listed on the side and watch my daughter dance. She has two prosthetic legs. She does everything she wants to do. Keeps up with her friends, runs, jumps, can jump rope and do hop scotch, she has found very little she can't do. She had an amputation at 14 months and her recovery was better than I had ever thought. The only surprise was that she pulled the cast off twice! If you want to talk, feel free to e-mail me.

whtmtnmom said...

Thinking of you and Naomi today, Cindi. I hope it goes well and that her recovery is smooth and quick.

fellow Xingfu mama

The Gang's Momma! said...

We'll pray for you all, for sure. Thanks for letting us know. I'm going to ask my bloggy friends to pray also. I have a lot of (non-adoptive) readers that love to pray for the various needs that some of our girls have in this adoption community. They are loving, supportive friends and will be sure to lift your little one to the throne!

mama said...

God bless you. He has already blessed her by bringing her into your family.

Livin' Life said...

I'm from The Gang's Mama. I will be praying today!!!!

Salzwedel Family said...

Praying for your family and for your precious one's healing.

Wife of the Pres. said...

Came over from the Gang. I know the feelings of anticipating surgery for your little one. We were in China the same time as you and I had so hoped to meet "The Gang's Momma!" But it was not to be … we left early with our very sick little girl. She had open-heart surgery one week after we arrived home. I can't understand what you are facing exactly but I know how hard it is to let them go into the arms of doctors and nurses and wait for word. Our daughter just had her second surgery and she did so well.

I pray your DD does too. I am just sure she will AMAZE you all with her determination and she will sail through her OT and stuff for her new prosthetic. These children AMAZE me everyday. They are so VERY SPECIAL!!!